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Philosophical concepts form the very backbone of our existence, yet they don’t always get the credit they deserve. Despite subtle but significant variations stemming from myriad factors, we all collectively share an understanding of the concepts of identity, destiny, and purpose. The Staff of Beckoning, through Adir and other characters, explores the different ways these concepts are pursued and how their interplay affects the characters’ worldviews and selves.

Identity: Who You Are

Identity represents our core essence. It comprises our most fundamental values and beliefs, experiences, and traits, all shaped by our self-perception. Søren Kierkegaard, the Danish philosopher, once said, “The most common form of despair is not being who you are” — a concept embodied in Adir’s arc.

From the outset, Adir is conflicted about his identity. He begins his journey as a man uncertain of his place in the world. With no real effort to define his place and resentment for the definitions others levy upon him, he resigns himself to the mundane while fantasizing about wanting an undefined “more.” As events unfold, Adir is constantly forced to reconsider who he is and, more importantly, who he will be.

Destiny: Who Existence Wants You to Be

Is what’s to come predetermined? This question about destiny bubbles up as we try to reconcile events against effort through the lens of fleeting human memory, looking for patterns that can bring sense to the chaotic landscape of existence. My own South Indian culture has a concept called “Jathagam” — a horoscope created based on astrological observations that are said to heavily influence life parameters like health, relationship dynamics, and fortunes across one’s lifetime.

For Adir, destiny looms large, whether or not he knows it. His relationship with his family, his entanglement in a suspicious death, and the Khasmia Shadow’s pursuit of him all push him toward something more significant than what he had expected. Adir is challenged to embrace his destiny, even as it threatens to overwhelm him.

Purpose: Who You Need to Be

The concept of purpose delves into what gives meaning to human existence. While destiny is seen as predetermined, purpose represents our choices and actions along the way. Unlike identity’s necessity of inherent traits or destiny’s crutch of external influences, purpose expresses visceral intention.

Adir struggles with purpose as he attempts to navigate his past and live in the present. As the realities of existence dawn on him, he will have to decide, through choice and action, what he is to be.

The Interplay of Identity, Destiny, and Purpose

Adir’s story is one of self-discovery. When identity pushes him towards passive inaction, and destiny looms large, he must figure out how to forge his purpose. This, however, is easier said than done. Destiny, for example, can wield time to cut short efforts intended to define purpose, while identity leans on nostalgia to do the same. Then, there’s the consideration of the unintended consequences of actions committed in the name of purpose.

Ultimately, The Staff of Beckoning explores what happens when these concepts clash through Adir’s eyes and those of the other characters. Will Adir and others find a way to balance these critical aspects of their existence, or will one overpower the others and dictate their path? Readers are invited to reflect on these philosophical themes as they follow the characters’ journeys.